Directors Lounge 2008 • Berlin, february 7-17

Sunday, February 10

Impressions II

DJ Jochen of Keep On fame

DJ Akiyuki Tanno

Werner Degreif

Barbara Hindahl

Barbara Hindahl with Veronika Witte

Telemach Wiesinger, the reel one

Thorsten Fleisch, a handmade screening

Thorsten Fleisch and Telemach Wiesinger screening S8 and 16 mm

Kim Collmer preseting Monumental

Kim Collmer, Sophia New and friend

Ost West Achse Christoph Bauer ( git, voc), Viktoria Lasaroff ( voc) and Jens Voigt ( git, voc)

Happy Famous Artists

Happy Famous Artists

Happy Famous Artists

Jacob Birken

Sabrina Small